The Executive Functions are not what corporate CEOs do in their offices.
The Executive Functions of our brains are everyone’s self-management skills and thinking skills.
It is what we all do all day.
It is how we engage in conversations.
It is how we perform complex activities such as deliver a homework assignment, remember instructions, think creatively, and, yes, even brush our teeth!
Below is a comprehensive list of our Executive Functions:
All of us do some of these skills well and most of us struggle with some skills.
The bad news is if even one of the executive functions is lacking, even very smart, capable people can perform well below their abilities.
They can repeatedly fail to show the world their true talent.
The good news is that we can all improve our executive functions. Tools and techniques are available. People who want to help know a lot of stuff and are ready and able!
Improving our executive functions is kind of fun, actually!
To find an Executive Function coach in your area, just perform an internet search with the key words “executive function”.
Also, to talk to coach Lou about Executive Function coaching or combining Executive Function coaching with basketball skills coaching, you can contact us at